Welgemeend August Art Month - 2019
60 MARIANNE PODLASHUC 1976 circa 1978 signed oil on canvas 150 x 177 cm Podlashuc Collection MARIANNE PODLASHUC 1932 - 2006 Girl Dancer Wanted signed and dated 1978 oil on canvas 90 x 120 cm Podlashuc Collection “The 1976 student protests in Soweto were momentous for Marianne. The deepening hegemo- nic curtailment of education for the majority of the population angered her immensely. Here she seeks to reveal an alternative world, where education is open and accessible. In this painting we see four African- Americans stepping out of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Educated, self-reliant, free citizens of a progressive world, not banished to be the “hewers of wood and drawers of water” by a racist-religious minority regime.” Leo Podlashuc
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