Welgemeend August Art Month - 2019
48 ALEXANDER PODLASHUC Knight at the Wax Museum signed and dated 1992 oil on canvas 99 x 138 cm Podlashuc Collection “Pod loved to paint as play, as a way to think in more complex ways than the head can hold. Puns, irony and satire flowed from his pens and brushes. He was always twisting and turning images, toying with meaning and complexity. Passing the wax museum in Barcelona he was struck by the booth outside with an upside down man on a ladder. It stuck in his mind, and he perseverated this image in multiple ways, drawings, etchings, water colours, oils. He couldn’t shake the image for years, and kept returning to it, like a compulsive riddle whose solution always just eluded him. Here the Knight stands casually at the kiosk window, defying gravity, a myriad of men descending towards him from above.” Leo Podlashuc
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