Welgemeend August Art Month - 2019
46 STANLEY PINKER The Garden of Eden signed oil on composite board 114,5 x 97 cm LITERATURE: H. Proud, Reflection on the Art of Stanley Pinker. Stanley Pinker (Cape Town, 2004) M Stevenson. Interview with Stanley Pinker. Stanley Pinker (Cape Town, 2004) Bonhams catalogue. 17/10/2012 PROVENANCE: From the collection of Stanley Uys. Political Journalist Bonhams, London, lot 391. 17 October 2012 Caro Wiese Collection In The Garden of Eden , Pinker provides the viewer with a pared down, Cubist-inspired Adam and Eve who lock eyes sharply above an abundance of sensuous floral forms. At first glance, this appears an idyllic scene, but the reference to the Garden of Eden locates the viewer in an uncomfortable position of dramatic irony; the awareness of a loss which is both imminent and irretrievable. An ambience poised between darkness and light, innocence and knowledge, is invoked by the starkly contrasting background colours. https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/19602/lot/391/
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