Welgemeend August Art Month - 2019
37 STANLEY PINKER His and Hers or Decline and Fall oil on canvas 94 x 147 cm LITERATURE: Stanley Pinker , Michael Stevenson, Cape Town, November 2004, page 80 Private Collection “The couple is an anachronism, awkwardly and uncomfortably situated in a hostile landscape. They are relics from another era, much like the fallen Grecian column, and the prospect of their using the contemporary His and Hers exercise bikes seems most improbable. They are both dressed in mad and impractical white Victorian outfits; he wears a pith helmet and carries a felt-covered water bottle, she wears a boater hat and holds a parasol. … He – a case of the blind leading the blind, She – a relic, a fossil …” (extract page 80)
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