Strauss & co - 2017 Boerneef
65 SYDNEY KUMALO 1935-1988 St Francis of Assisi signed and numbered IV/X bronze, black patina height 63,5 cm PROVENANCE: Purchased directly from the artist by previous owner LITERATURE: Alexander, F.L., Art in South Africa: Painting, Sculpture and Graphic work since 1900 , AA Balkema, Cape Town, 1962, illustrated on p141, fig 142 Watter, L, ‘Sidney Kumalo’ in Ons Kuns 3, Vrygestel deur die Stigting vir Onderwys, Wetenskap en Tegnologie - Uitgewers van Lantern, Pretoria, Illustrated in colour on p66, cat no. I. Welz, S., Art at Auction in South Africa , A.D. Donker (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, 1989, illustrated on p194 Kilbourn Collection “ln the sculpture of Sidney Kumalo (sic) - a highly talented young artist - we see an interesting synthesis of the European theme with ancient African ideas of form. His Francis of Assisi is a strange and frightening work of art. It is frightening to see how completely the mildest of all Christian saints could have been changed to this rather wild fetish-like figure. In spite of its Christian label, this work rejects the spirit of Europe and belongs to South Africa alone.’“ 1 1. Alexander, F. L., Art in South Africa: Painting, Sculpture and Graphic work since 1900 , A. A. Balkema, Cape Town, 1960, p 127
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