Strauss & co - 2016 Mid-year Review

Irma Stern Portrait of Freda Feldman in Basuto Hat Sold R5 115 600 JH Pierneef Winter Bosveld Sold R1 818 880 Maggie Laubser Birds and Boats Sold R1 477 840 paintings by the Russian artist Paul Mak. The combined lots sold for R932 000. Visiting auctioneer Dendy Easton, former director of Sotheby’s UK and well-known for his appearances on the BBC’s longstanding Antiques Roadshow, noted: “This exceptional result underscores Strauss & Co’s power to exploit the internet to reach a global audience.” The strong market for fine Cape furniture was once again evident. Pieces once part of the historic Vergelegen Estate in Somerset West achieved R2,4 million. Strauss & Co realised the highest price ever paid for a gate-leg table. Interest in Cape history continued with the 100% sell-through rate for a single-owner collection of fine Cape silver, which totalled over R1,1 million. Sales in Johannesburg have been just as robust. The company’s May auction was headlined by Irma Stern’s Portrait of Freda Feldman with Basuto Hat , an important biographical work that achieved over R5 million. This arresting portrait was repatriated to South Africa from Australia confirming our clients’ confidence in Strauss & Co and its ability to handle works of this calibre. 5