Strauss & co - 2013 Review

perfect platform to launch Strauss Online. It was well organised, well attended and such a success that the second one has already been booked and will take place from 27 February to 2 March 2014. We are delighted to announce that we shall be there! Fundraising Initiatives and other events The Wits Art Museum Endowment Auction “The evening was a huge success – the R5,5 million raised is a fantastic start to our target of R25 million over the next five years – but in addition to the funds raised, the event generated an enormous amount of publicity and so raised a great deal of awareness of the museum, programming and vision. It also generated huge goodwill and lots of word of mouth ‘buzz’. All of these support our strategy and vision for the long-term growth of the museum.” Julia Charlton, Senior Curator, Wits Art Museum The Chris Levin Collection of Vintage Couture Strauss & Co was honoured to have undertaken the sale of The Chris Levin Collection of vintage couture. Our commission of R31 000 was donated to the charity, Vintage with Love, an inspiring initiative to raise much-needed funds for illiteracy in our country. The Charity was the brainchild of Jacquie Myburgh and Leigh Ord. Eight garments from the sale were generously donated to the Iziko Museums Costume Collection by curator, art historian and philanthropist, Mark Coetzee. The 2013 Reinhold Cassirer Art Award, Bag Factory Strauss & Co is delighted to have been a major sponsor of the 2013 Reinhold Cassirer Art Award. We wish the winner, Asanda Kupa, every success in his art career. Greg Marinovich photographic portfolio Strauss & Co published a photographic portfolio by internationally acclaimed photographer, Greg Marinovich, entitled Dead Zone 1990-1999 . Strauss & Co, De Kat & Diners Club dinner A memorable candlelit dinner was held at Strauss & Co’s Houghton offices. ABSA graduate charity art auction Four groups of ABSA graduate trainees were set the task of raising the most money for various children’s charities. Strauss & Co were asked by Khotso Namane Maleke’s team to help run an art auction. The total funds raised on the night were R386 680. Absa Retail and Business Banking will be adding a further R140 760, this takes the overall funds raised from the auction to R527 440. Of the four Syndicates Khotso’s team raised the highest amount. Unveiling of Vladimir Tretchikoff’s Chinese Girl Vladimir Tretchikoff’s iconic work Chinese Girl has returned to our shores after 59 years thanks to Mr Laurence Graff. It will be on public view at his prestigious Delaire Graff Estate in Stellenbosch. Stephan Welz was invited to unveil the painting with Monika Pon-su-san, the beautiful model. He also took part in a panel discussion with Boris Gorelik, Tretchikoff’s biographer, Riason Naidoo, director of SANG and Andrew Lamprecht, senior lecturer at Michaelis and curator of the Vladimir Tretchikoff Retrospective held at the SANG in 2011. Diane Victor Art Auction R805 000 was raised at an auction in aid of Diane who suffers from polycystic kidney disease and is in desperate need of a transplant. Best wishes for the forthcoming year. I look forward to seeing you at our sales in 2014. 1. As reported by Ivan Macquisten in the Antiques Trade Gazette, 20 April 2013, Issue 2087, page 1. It comprises a selection of colour images from the hostel war era which preceded and followed South Africa’s transition to democracy that saw Nelson Mandela elected State President. This is the first time that many of these images will be seen in public. For a private viewing of the portfolio please contact Ruarc Peffers on 084 444 8004. Turbine Art Fair The inaugural Turbine Art Fair, the first accessible art fair of its kind in South Africa with a ceiling price of R25 000, took place at the Turbine Hall in the Newtown Cultural Precinct. Ruarc Peffers conducted lectures advising first time buyers on how to start their art collections. Twenty-eight contemporary galleries exhibited and over 3000 visitors came through the doors. WWF Art Auction The World Wildlife Fund Art Auction, presented by Strauss & Co and Everard Read and under the patronage of Nicky Oppenheimer, raised close on R5 million at CIRCA gallery in Johannesburg: R3 780 000 was raised in the sale room plus another R1 000 000 donation from the sale of Adrian Steirn’s photograph of Nelson Mandela. “We are delighted with the outcome of the auction and acknowledge that this would not have been so without the full commitment and expertise of you and your team. For that we are most grateful. As you know, there are many pressing conservation issues in South Africa that require urgent attention, from keeping our water catchments healthy to managing fish stocks, saving the rhino from extinction and purchasing critical conservation land, amongst other things. I can assure you that WWF maintains the highest standards of accountability and governance – perhaps unmatched in the NGO sector – and that we shall continue to put the funds that we raise for conservation to good use.” Dr Morné du Plessis, Chief Executive Officer, WWF-SA 9