Strauss & co - Review 2009
31 George Pemba S OUTH A FRICAN 1912-2001 The Blessing signed and dated 78 oil on panel, 36 by 52,5 cm SOLD R434 460, SEPTEMBER 2009 Pemba’s “style has much to do with the idealism of nineteenth-century aesthetics and the early modernist disruptions of this order, manifested within a specifically African context”, according to art historian, Jacqueline Nolte in her comprehensive and astute assessment for the catalogue of his landmark retrospective exhibition. Jacqueline Nolte, ‘Sources and Style in the Oil Paintings of George Milwa Mnyaluza Pemba’ in Hayden Proud’s George Milwa Mnyaluza Pemba . South African National Gallery, Cape Town, 1996, p 36.