Strauss & co - 8 - 11 November 2020

5 NORTH/SOUTH Live Virtual Auction between the Johannesburg and Cape Town offices of Strauss & Co Modern, Post-War and Contemporary Art, Decorative Arts, Jewellery and FineWine 8–11 November 2020 v enu e The sale will have live sessions in the Johannesburg and Cape Town venues and will be live-streamed at p r e v i ew Lots will be on view according to prevailing COVID-19 regulations from Monday 26 October 2020 at the auction venues: Johannesburg: Strauss & Co, 89 Central Street, Houghton Cape Town: Brickfield Canvas, 2nd Floor, 35 Brickfield Road, Woodstock For location of lots, either Johannesburg or Cape Town, see our website wa l k about s and l e c tur e s A programme of walkabouts, lectures and Zoom talks will take place during the fortnight preceding the auction. The topics and the links will be available at enqu i r i e s and cata logu e s Johannesburg Office: +27 (0) 11 728 8246  Cape Town Office: +27 (0) 21 683 6560 ab s ent e e and t e l e phone b i ds Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 8246  Mobile: +27 (0) 82 336 8761 Tel: +27 (0) 21 683 6560  Mobile: +27 (0) 78 044 8185  Fax:  +27 (0) 86 565 9324 payment Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 8246  Debbie Watson cond i t i on r e por t s s e t of 3 i l lu s t r at ed cata logu e s r 500.00 Catalogue 1: Sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4 Catalogue 2: Sessions 5 and 6 Catalogue 3: Sessions 7 and 8 for location of lots , either johannesburg or cape town , see our website www . straussart . co . za all lots are sold subject to the conditions of business printed at the back of this catalogue