Strauss & co - 26 - 28 July 2020, Online

14 world to win best blended red wine for the fourth time at the prestigious International Wine & Spirit Competition in 2013 with this 2009 vintage. ‘At a time when a lot of the so-called old guard are rapidly being outpaced, outflanked by the new generation of winemakers who have travelled overseas and introduced a more thoughtful approach to their craft, Kanonkop is a testament to the fact that some of the country’s stalwarts remain at the top of their game. Many producers merely pay lip service to the notion of finesse, but at Kanonkop that is evident where it matters – in the glass. So kudos to owners Johann and Paul Krige and especially to winemaker Abrie Beeslaar, installed at Kanonkop since 2002, for all their hard work. What I found interesting was Abrie’s conviction that Kanonkop has remained true to what it does, ignoring fads and fashions, merely fine-tuning its style. I have to say that over the last ten years their wines have attained a greater degree of refinement and purity, therefore something must have changed! What distinguishes Kanonkop is both the enviable age of some of its vine stock, especially its pinotage, and the corollary of longevity. These are wines that are probably drunk way too early by consumers, although I can understand why. Chuck two or three bottles in your cellar and leave them for 20 years – you will be amazed at what you will find.’ – Neal Martin, Wine Advocate Kanonkop Paul Sauer 2015 – 6 bottle lot The 2015 is the first wine from the ‘NewWorld’awarded 100 points by renowned critic Tim Atkin MW! ‘A great wine, with a distinguished track record in one of the best-ever Cape vintages: if any South African wine deserves 100 points, and I strongly believe that it does, then it is the brilliant 2015 Paul Sauer, one of the greatest young wines I have ever tasted.’ – Tim Atkin, SA Special Report, 2018, 100/100 Abrie Beeslaar Paul Sauer 1 Kanonkop Pinotage 2015 750ml 6 (1 x 6) R3 800 – 4 200 2 Kanonkop Pinotage 2012 1500ml 4 (1 x 4) R7 500 – 9 000 3 Kanonkop Pinotage 2001 750ml 6 (1 x 6) R7 000 – 8 000 4 Kanonkop Pinotage 2001 5000ml 1 (1 x 1) R7 500 – 9 000 5 Kanonkop Pinotage 1998 750ml 3 (1 x 3) R4 500 – 5 500 6 Kanonkop Pinotage 1994 18000ml 1 (1 x 1) R25 000 – 30 000