Strauss & co - 26 - 28 July 2020, Online

13 completely terrifying, about wine among the great majority of the people of South Africa. This ignorance not only terrifies me, but also seems to terrify most people to such an extent that they are afraid of drinking wine, because they are afraid that they might be drinking the wrong wine; and in any case they know so little about it that they treat it with a reverential respect, but from a distance.’ ‘The answer has been found to this problem and we now produce a large number of common or garden light, young, wholesome, honest dry wines for everyday use. These wines are not the aristocrats, but one can’t have an aristocrat in the house every day, one would find him a rather expensive guest, and one might be inclined to become a little blasé about ordinary people by over indulgence in his company.’ ‘Be honest and sincere in your enjoyment of wine. It is appropriate for kings and princes, but also makes of the poor man’s humble table, a feast. There is nothing forced in the civilized use of wine. And as wine differs from barrel to barrel, so will different tastes ask for different wines.’ Paul Sauer – TheWine The first bottle of a Bordeaux style wine produced on Kanonkop was from the 1981 vintage – 5 years after Paul Sauer, the man it was named after, passed away. In September 2018, the Paul Sauer 2015 vintage was the first South African wine to receive the coveted 100 point rating, given by acclaimed UK Master of Wine, Tim Atkin. May this internationally acclaimed wine follow in the footsteps of its remarkable namesake! Kanonkop Black Label Pinotage 2011 – 6 bottle lot The Black Label was introduced as a limited-edition bottling with the 2006 vintage, cementing the team’s confidence in South Africa’s own red variety. Black Label is made from one of the oldest pinotage vineyards in South Africa, planted in 1953 on a site that has over the years been proved to produce fruit of specific excellence and deemed special enough to be bottled under an own label. ‘This is not showing quite as well as the spectacular 2008, but it may yet surpass it with time in the bottle. It’s marked by its 100% new oak at the moment, but the underlying fruit is soft, sweet and nuanced, with succulent, yet structured flavours that wouldn’t look out of place in Gevrey-Chambertin. Low yielding and concentrated, this has the structure to age gracefully. Drink 2015-25.’ – Tim Atkin, SA Wine Report , 2013, 95 Points ‘Deep ruby, with a nose packed with brooding dried cranberries, smoky bacon and earth. Full generous palate with great ripe fruit concentration, high well-structured tannins and layers of complexity from use of high quality toasty oak. A benchmark example of this variety with a long very balanced finish.’ – International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC), 2017, Silver Outstanding Award Kanonkop Paul Sauer 2009 – 6 bottle lot This internationally acclaimed, long- ageing Bordeaux blend was named after former owner, Paul Sauer, and was first made in 1981. Kanonkop also became the first winery in the