Strauss & co - 10 - 11 May 2020, Cape Town

374 A Cape of Good Hope 4lb brass weight, 1893 the rounded body engraved ‘GOVT OF CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1893’, the rounded knop engraved ‘LB 4 AV OIR’, minor dents, 9cm high R8 000 - 10 000 375 A Cape of Good Hope Imperial Pint brass measure, De Grave & Co, London, 1895 inscribed ‘IMPERIAL PINT, GOVT OF CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, 1895, DE GRAVE & CO, LONDON’, 11,3cm high ; and an Oranje Vrystaat Imperial Half Pint brass measure, 1875, inscribed ‘IMPERIAL HALF PINT, ORANJE VRY STAAT, 1875, POTTER, LONDON’ and numbered ‘1592’, 9,1cm high (2) R20 000 - 25 000 376 A Cape copper measure, Daniel BenjaminWoudberg & Son, Wellington, 1939 dents, stamped ‘DB WOUDEBERG & SON, WELLINGTON, 1939’, 26cm high R6 000 - 8 000 LITERATURE cf. Marius le Roux (1982) The Cape Copper-Smith , Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Museum, where a similar example is illustrated on page 145. 377 A Cape copper and brass bowl, Johannes Marthinus Woudberg (IV), Wellington, 20th century the rim with brass band, raised on three turned brass bun feet, the base stamped with the maker’s name and ‘Wellington’, 21cm diameter R5 000 - 7 000 374 375 377 376 96