Strauss & co - 10 - 11 May 2020, Cape Town

83 PROPERTY OF A COLLECTOR LOTS 338–363 338 An Arita blue and white VOC dish, late 17th century circular, painted in underglaze-blue with a central roundel of the VOC monogram enclosed by two ho-ho birds among prunus blossoms and pomegranates within a double blue-line, the border with six fan-shaped panels enclosing bamboo, peonies and prunus blossoms, 31cm diameter R200 000 - 250 000 LITERATURE cf. William Fehr (1973) Treasures at the Castle of Good Hope , Board of Trustees William Fehr Collection, Cape Town, illustrated on page 56, fig. 66. cf. CS Woodward (1974) Oriental Ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1795 , AA Balkema, Cape Town, illustrated on page 52, fig. 83.