Strauss & co - 15 February 2020, Cape Town

4  TURIYA MAGADLELA SOUTH AFRICAN 1978– Ngizokuthanda ngaso sonke isikathi-ngoba wena ulithemba lami-sakhile (Will Love You Forever) signed, dated 2019 and inscribed with the title on the stretcher nylon and cotton pantyhose, thread and sealant on canvas 150 by 150cm R70 000 – 90 000 “I have so much to say in my work. I can’t use words as I would limit myself, nor can I use realistic pictures as that too would limit me. However, if I use form, emotive fabric, emotions and at times a lack of colour then I leave blank spaces for the viewer to fill in the gaps, so that the work can speak for itself and is not dictated by me.” 1 1. Stefanie Jason, 'Turiya Magadlela: Art born of shared pain and pantyhose' , Mail & Guardian, 10 September, 2015, [Online], Available: born-of-shared-pain-and-pantyhose [11 December, 2019] 17