Strauss & co - 1 December 2018, Cape Town

64 Zeitz MOCAA Benefit Art Auction Shipping Instruction Form BIDDER NUMBER (for office use only) PLEASE RETURN TO ZEITZ MOCAA e-mail Enquiries Tel: +27 (0) 87 350 4777 • A quotation will be sent to the e-mail address below for approval before shipping. • Payment to be made directly to the shipping company. CLIENT SIGNATURE CLIENT PRINTED NAME DATE IS INSURANCE REQUIRED? Insurance Value: Please indicate if you would like the shipping company to provide unpacking, crate removal, and/or installation of your purchases at your expense. Client Name Client Tel Fax E-mail Recipient Name (if different from above) Recipient Tel Recipient Address: Please arrange packaging and shipping of the following lots: Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot