Strauss & co - Hilton Arts Festival
A selection of artworks from the Strauss & Co September Online-only Auction will be on display at the Hilton Arts Festival from 14–16 September 2018. This will also be an opportunity for visitors to experience a Strauss Online Auction with the assistance of Strauss & Co specialists to guide you through the process. Visit to view the online catalogue. Our FAQs will help you navigate the registration, browsing, bidding and payment processes. Our specialists will be available throughout the Festival to provide valuations on a range of historical and contemporary South African and International art. Francois Koch Landscape, Doringveld, Mezina (sic) R10 000–15 000 Norman Catherine The Grass is Greener R7 000–9 000 Cecil Skotnes Abstract Figure R4 000–6 000 Peter Clarke Homage to the Poet Langston Hughes R6 000–8 000 Sam Nhlengethwa What about AU? R4 000–6 000 William Kentridge Walking Man R25 000–35 000