Strauss & co - 16 February 2019, Cape Town

22 8 Claudette Schreuders SOUTH AFRICAN 1973– The Guilty Bystander signed, dated 2018, numbered 3/30, inscribed with the title and embossed with The Artists’ Press chop mark in the margin five colour lithograph sheet size: 108 by 65 cm R15 000 – 20 000 PROVENANCE Donated by the artist. The proceeds from the sale of this lot will benefit the Greatmore Studio Trust. ITEM NOTES A guilty bystander is one who observes something – an incident, a crime, etc. – but does not intervene. Claudette Schreuders’ The Guilty Bystander stands with her hands clasped behind her back, contem- plating her surroundings: seeing something, but saying nothing. This present lot is based on a wooden sculpture of the same name that was the central figure in Schreuders’ 2017 solo exhibition The Bystander at Stevenson, Johannesburg . Many of her prints ‘are studies of her sculptured figures. Produced after the sculptures have gone out into the world, the prints are a means of revisiting and reflecting on these works, but also have a singular, distinctive character of their own.’ 1 These works retain the static, sculp- tural characteristics of the original object but with a livelier, painterly rendering. 1. Stevenson. (2009) Claudette Schreuders: Recent Prints, [Online], Available: http:// index2009.htm [7 December 2018]. GREATMORE STUDIOS TRUST LOTS 1–8