Strauss & co - 15 October 2018, Cape Town

59 156 AWilliam IV silver three-piece tea service, Adey Bellamy Savory, London, 1831 comprising: a teapot, a two-handled sugar bowl and a milk jug, each with lobed bulbous body, the rim moulded with gadrooned border, raised on four acanthus-leaf and scroll feet, the sides applied with leaf-capped scroll handle, the teapot cover with bud-and-leaf finial, silver gilt interior, the teapot 16,5cm high, 1770g all in (3) R –  * This lot is not suitable for export 157 AWilliam IV silver-gilt castle-top vinaigrette, Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham, 1836 rectangular, the centre depicting Kenilworth Castle, the rims moulded with a foliate border, engine-turned base enclosing a vacant rectangular cartouche, the sides moulded with flowerheads and foliage, 3,7cmwide, 25g R –  158 AWilliam IV silver castle-top vinaigrette, Taylor & Perry, Birmingham, 1836 rectangular, the centre moulded with Abbotsford House, the home of Sir Walter Scott, enclosed by a foliate border, engine-turned base enclosing a vacant rectangular cartouche, silver-gilt interior, 4cmwide, 30g R –  159 AWilliam IV silver-gilt table snuff box, Charles Rawlings &William Summers, London, 1837 rectangular, with engine-turned decoration, the hinged cover with shield-shaped vacant cartouche enclosed by a moulded foliate border, the front moulded with a foliate and scroll thumbpiece, 4cm high, 10,5cmwide, 355g R –  156 157 158 159