Strauss & co - 4 June 2018, Johannesburg

Authorised Financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP15). The Standard Bank of SouthAfrica Limited (Reg.No.1962/000738/06).Moving Forward is a trademark ofThe Standard Bank of SouthAfrica Limited.SBSAGMS-2498-4/18 Christo Coetzee, Untitled, 1962,mixed media on canvas,162 x 130 cm The Safest Place is the Knife’s Edge: Christo Coetzee (1929 – 2000) 5 October – 1 December 2018 Standard Bank Gallery, Cnr Frederick and Harrison Streets, Johannesburg Monday to Friday 8am– 4.30pm and Saturdays 9am– 1pm. Tel: 011 631 4467