Strauss & co - 5 March 2018, Cape Town

335 According to Lola Watter: “ The Family is linked conceptually with the earlier Africa . The figurative theme that Villa was to explore with sustained vigour over the following years is cogently expressed in this relief. The use of a geometric idiom to express elements of the human body - the broad and narrow intervals between modified forms; the rhythmic repetition of simple, decorative motifs - this is a transcription of classical, North African methods. The conscious wit and refined technique are completely modern. Planes intersect to shift visually within the volume of space in which their movement is contained. Form is reduced to essentials, indicating positive and negative volumes. Delicacy and attention to detail, combined with animistic association, provide the work with the plasticity of Analytic-Cubist paintings. A counterpoint of evocative, symbolic shapes is created.” PROVENANCE The Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg. LITERATURE Lola Watter, ‘Edoardo Villa’ in Heine Toerien and Georges Duby (eds.), Our Art 3 , Issued by The Foundation for Education, Science and Technology, Lantern, page 62 and illustrated on page 64. 602