Strauss & co - 5 March 2018, Cape Town

153 404 Robert Gwelo Goodman SOUTH AFRICAN 1871-1939 Michell’s Pass, Ceres signed; inscribed with the title on the reverse pastel on paper 47,5 by 60cm R  –   405 Robert Gwelo Goodman SOUTH AFRICAN 1871-1939 Borrowdale Valley signed pastel on artist’s board 59 by 72cm R  –   LITERATURE Joyce Newton Thompson. (circa 1951) Gwelo Goodman: South African Artist , London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. Pages 30 and 32. “Gwelo painted in Spain, Italy, Ireland Scotland and the Lake District. By 1911 his pictures were in no less than twenty exhibitions. That September the Studio carried an article on him in which he was referred to as “an artist of marked ability, who has, in recent years, made for himself a place of particular prominence among our more notable painters of landscape and open-air subjects. There are certain qualities in his work which make it of more than ordinary importance’; certain characteristics of feeling and expression giving it a special claim to attention”. His “Borrowdale Valley”and “Grange of Derwentwater” were liners in that year’s Academy and drew the comment from the Observer that “Mr. Goodman bids fair to become one of the most personal and distinguished landscape painters”. Ibid, page 30 404 405