Strauss & co - 5 March 2018, Cape Town

103 265 A Chinese grey earthenware goose-headed zun vessel, Western Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.– A.D. 9 the bulbous body surmounted by a goose head with aperture, raised on a spreading circular foot, chips to the footrim, 34cm high R18 000–24 000 266 Two Chinese painted pottery figures of equestrians, Tang Dynasty, 618-907 each horse standing foursquare on an unglazed rectangular base, each hooded rider seated atop a black-painted saddle and a blanket highlighted with green, white and red foliate decoration, their moustached faces modelled with high cheek bones, their robes red-glazed with white and green dot decoration, with raised hands, 45,5cm high (2) R80 000–100 000 Each figure accompanied by an Oxford Authentication Thermoluminescence Analysis Report, Nos C109q70 and C108y18 265 266