Strauss & co - 5 March 2018, Cape Town
100 254 Three Chinese crystal snuff bottles, early 20th century the first carved with a pair of swans, each with lingzhi fungus head borne on a stem in their beaks, stopper, 5,2cm long ; the second carved with a Mandarin duck with a lotus bloom in its beak, a duckling resting its head on the wing, stopper, 6cm long ; the third hair crystal bottle carved as a hare, suffused with scattered black needles, stopper, 6,2cm long (3) R9 000–12 000 255 Three Chinese crystal snuff bottles in the form of small boys, early 20th century in sizes, well hollowed, each on one knee holding his right arm behind his back and clasping his plait, stoppers, the tallest 7,2cm high (3) R18 000–24 000 256 Three Chinese amber snuff bottles, early 20th century the first ovoid, carved in relief with a pair of contesting dragons, their scaly bodies forming the handles, on an oval shaped base, stopper, 6,5cm high ; and two further examples, in sizes, each of slender form, raised on and indented oval footrim, carved with a pair of contesting dragons chasing a flaming pearl, stoppers, the taller 6,5cm high (3) R18 000–20 000 257 Three Chinese smoky crystal snuff bottles in the form of Immortals, 20th century in sizes, the first holding a lotus bloom, 9,3cm high ; the second kneeling, his clasped hands holding a basket, 8,3cm high ; and the third example carved as a figure standing on one foot, each figure’s hat in the form of a stopper, 7,5cm high (3) R9 000–12 000 254 255 256 257
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