Strauss & co - 13 November 2017, Johannesburg

22 1 Enslin du Plessis SOUTH AFRICAN 1894–1978 View fromWindow: Mecklenburgh Square, London signed oil on board 55 by 70,5 cm R30 000 – 40 000 LITERATURE Esmé Berman (1983). Art & Artists of South Africa , Cape Town: AA Balkema. A similar example is illustrated on page 120. If the two original stylistic poles of The London Group were Wyndham Lewis and Walter Sickert, Standerton-born Enslin du Plessis, elected a member of the Group in 1929, was more drawn towards the latter. His agitated surfaces, always showing off his agile brushwork and feathery marks, were more often than not counteracted by the simple rigidity of his composition. Genteel domestic interiors remained a favourite subject, and were dotted with closely observed trinkets and commonplace items. In the present lot, assorted glass bottles and collected ceramics are positioned carefully on the windowsill in front of a quiet, wintry view over Mecklenburgh Square.