Strauss & co - 16 October 2017, Cape Town

136 378 A group of five Baccarat paperweights, France, 1973-1976 one set with green canes in different sizes and colourful Gridel silhouette canes of zodiac signs, with date cane B1976, 6cm high ; another, with blue, green and yellow canes, a large central Gridel silhouette cane with a deer, with date cane B1976, 6cm high ; another, with blue, yellow, red and green canes against an upset muslin ground, with date cane B1975, 6cm high ; and two further examples, with date canes B1973 and B1976, the taller 5,5cm high (5) R –  379 A cased white and café-au-lait glass vase, Barbini Glassworks for Murano, 1970s of oval outline with pinched front and reverse, manufacturer’s labels ‘Barbini, Murano’, 28,5cm high R –  380 An Italian Rainbow vase, Barbini Glassworks for Murano, 1970s the cylindrical clear-glass body blown with green, red, yellow and blue rods, engraved ‘Barbini, Murano’, manufacturer’s label, 35,3cm high R –  378 379 380