Strauss & co - 16 October 2017, Cape Town

104 283 A Chinese famille verte cafe-au-lait ground bowl, Qing Dynasty, 18th century the exterior decorated with a small bird perched on a branch viewing a large peony and a pomegranate, against a café-au- lait ground, the interior rim with scholars’ emblems and a green-diaper border, 7,5cm high R –  PROVENANCE The Dr William Frederick Purcell Collection, and thence by descent. Dr William Frederick Purcell (1866-1919), regarded as being one of the founders of modern araneology in South Africa as well as pioneering the discovery of various frog species, was well-known for his avid collecting in various fields such as indigenous flora, which is now housed in the Kirstenbosch Compton Herbarium. In addition, Purcell amassed a substantial collection of Cape Dutch furniture and Chinese porcelain which was housed during his lifetime in the family-owned historic Bergvliet Farm, visited on several occasions by his close friend, Olive Schreiner. Moreover, he held the position of honorary curator of the Koopmans de Wet house, situated in Strand Street, and advised on the restoration of the building and the assembling of its Cape Dutch furnishings. 284 A pair of Chinese famille rose saucer dishes, Qing Dynasty, 18th century enamelled with sprays of summer flowers and a butterfly, one with hairline crack, 15,5cmwide (2) R –  PROVENANCE The Dr William Frederick Purcell Collection, and thence by descent. 283 284 285 285 A pair of Chinese famille rose bowls, Qing Dynasty, Guangxu (1875-1908) each body decorated with peonies, bamboo and double gourds issuing from a rocky outcrop, raised on a circular footrim, one with hairline crack, iron-red six-character mark, 6,3cm high (2) R – 