Strauss & co - 12 October 2015, Cape Town

218 A Chinese bamboo wrist rest, Qing Dynasty, 19th century the arched surface with an inscription above three poppies, heightened with colour, the surface of a golden brown patina, 27cm high R8 000–10 000 219 A Chinese carved pale celadon jade table screen, Qing Dynasty, 19th century the rectangular plaque carved with a three- clawed dragon amongst foliage against a pierced scroll ground, the stone of even tone with pale russet inclusions to the top, the hardwood stand with pierced gallery, raised on inverted scroll and pad feet, the plaque 9cm high, 20cmwide, the stand 22,5cm high, 22,5cmwide, 14cm deep R8 000–10 000 220 A Chinese bamboo brushpot, Qing Dynasty, 19th century carved in relief with a sedge of cranes amongst gnarled pine trees, with moulded rims, 16,5cm high R12 000–15 000 221 A Chinese boxwood brush washer, Qing Dynasty, 19th century shaped oval, one end carved in relief with lingzhi, the other with a mythical bearded creature peering into the dish, 16cm long R9 000–12 000 218 219 220 221 89