Strauss & co - 12 October 2015, Cape Town

175 A Chinese terracotta figure of a dog, Han Dynasty standing foursquare with a harness and collar, with fierce open-mouthed expression, chips, 24cm high R12 000–15 000 176 Two Chinese sancai-glazed pottery figures of attendants, Ming Dynasty each standing on a hexagonal base, one holding a bowl, the other a scholar’s box, restorations, chips, 50,3cm high (2) R20 000–25 000 PROVENANCE Purchased from BCI Fine Art, 11 April 2000 177 A Chinese celadon-glazed bowl, Song Dynasty (960-1279) conical, raised on a low foot, covered overall in an even olive-green glaze, 11,4cm diameter R10 000–12 000 PROVENANCE Purchased from BCI Fine Art, 28 February 1991 178 A Chinese Longquan celadon- glazed incense burner, late Ming Dynasty circular, the pale olive-green craquelure- glazed body moulded with the eight i ching trigrams between bosses, the centre and base unglazed, raised on three scroll feet, firing crack, hairline cracks, 24cm diameter R12 000–15 000 175 176 178 177 76