Strauss & co - 12 October 2015, Cape Town

311 The AfrAsia Bank Cape Wine Auction i n f o @ t h e c a p e w i n e a u c t i o n . c om / www . t h e c a p e w i n e a u c t i o n . c om / @C a p eW i n e A u c t i o n 1 2 TH - 1 3 TH F E B RUA R Y 2 0 1 6 It’s a rockstar party, for an incredible cause. Amazing, priceless, once-off auction lots granting access to the inner sanctum of South Africa’s top wine farms, are fiercely bid upon by an international audience over a spectacular lunch. To date, this event has raised in excess of R17 million , which without offset or deduction, has been distributed to thirteen charities actively working in the education sector, from infant to adult, across the Western Cape.