Strauss & co - 12 October 2015, Cape Town
562 Robert Griffiths HODGINS SOUTH AFRICAN 1 920-2010 An Early Ubu signed and dated ‘82 tempera on pressed board 28,5 by 42cm R40 000–60 000 PROVENANCE Ivor and Caroline Powell LITERATURE Rory Doepel. (1997) Ubu: +/- 101: William Kentridge, Robert Hodgins and Deborah Bell , Johannesburg: University of Witwatersrand. Illustrated on page 50, figure 42. 563 William Joseph KENTRIDGE SOUTH AFRICAN 1 955- Ubu Tells the Truth, Act 1, Scene 2 1996/7 signed and numbered 26/50, embossed with Caversham Press chopmark etching, hardground, softground, aquatint, drypoint and engraving on Fabriano sheet size: 34,5 by 41cm R40 000–60 000 LITERATURE cf. Rory Doepel. (1997) Ubu: +/- 101: William Kentridge, Robert Hodgins and Deborah Bell , Johannesburg: University of Witwatersrand. Another example from the edition illustrated on page 11, figure 12. cf. Rosalind Krauss, Roger Malbert & Kate McCrickard. (2002) A Universal Archive: William Kentridge as Printmaker . Hayward Publishing: London. Another example from the edition illustrated on page 38. cf. Dan Cameron (1999) William Kentridge , London: Phaidon Press. Another example from the edition illustrated on page 32. cf. Bronwyn Law-Viljoen (ed.) (2006) William Kentridge Prints , Johannesburg: David Krut Publishing. Another example from the edition illustrated on page 60. cf. Michael Sittenfeld (ed). (2001) William Kentridge . Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art; New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art in association with Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers. Another example from the edition illustrated on page 116. 563 562 260
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