Strauss & co - 12 October 2015, Cape Town
508 François KRIGE SOUTH AFRICAN 1 913-1994 Still Life with Quinces signed oil on canvas 46 by 57cm R70 000–90 000 PROPERTY FROM THE RODWELL HOUSE COLLECTION | LOTS 495-510 cf. Justin Fox. (2000) The life and art of Francois Krige , Vlaeberg: Fernwood. Another version of this subject is illustrated on page 113. Krige’s still-lifes are personal meditations and seem to invite introspection on the part of the viewer. He appreciated fruit and flowers as the products of nature, and also humble, unadorned, traditional objects like earthenware jugs and bowls, often made by his wife or potter friend, Hym Rabinowitz, which he felt represented an admirable sense of craftsmanship and of rural domesticity. 215
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