Strauss & co - 12 October 2015, Cape Town

503 Alexander ROSE-INNES SOUTH AFRICAN 1 915-1996 Lady Undressing signed oil on canvas 60 by 50cm R140 000–180 000 Above all, Rose-Innes is a painter of people. Although he enjoys painting men engaged in diverse pursuits... he prefers to paint women. Few other South African artists have depicted women so consistently … Martin Bekker, (1991) The Art of Alexander Rose Innes , Cape Town, Perskor. Page 31: 504 Cecil HIGGS SOUTH AFRICAN 1 898-1986 Woman with Blue Scarf signed oil on canvas laid down on board 45 by 32cm R30 000–50 000 PROVENANCE Purchased in the late 1970s from the artist by the previous owner. PROPERTY FROM THE RODWELL HOUSE COLLECTION | LOTS 495-510 503 504 212