Strauss & co - 16 March 2015, Cape Town

143 398 Thomas Herbert MAGUIRE british 1 821-1895 Dr. Burchell printed with the artist’s signature, facsimile signature ‘Wm. J Burchell’and dated 1854 lithograph 30 by 23cm R1 200–1 500 literature RF Kennedy. (1975) Africana Museum: Catalogue of prints , Johannesburg: Africana Museum. Catalogue number M3. notes Published by M & N Hanhart Impt. 399 Mortimer MENPES australian 1 859-1938 Cronje and Major Albrecht signed gouache on artist’s board 26 by 38cm R25 000–40 000 literature Mortimer Menpes. (1901) War Impressions: Being a Record in Colour , London: Adam & Charles Black. Illustrated on page 216. 399 THE harvey COLLECTION OF AFRICANA | lots 374-399 396 394