Strauss & co - 16 March 2015, Cape Town
140 389 Samuel DANIELL british 1 775-1811 Newlands House watercolour 32 by 44,5cm R140 000–180 000 notes “This house is almost certainly Nieuweland, Newlands (House) in one of its many guises. Originally a fine Cape Dutch house (as seen here), with a Groot Constantia gable, Charles Somerset added an upper storey, which made it collapse, after which he Georgianized it. An Elliott photograph shows yet another appearance. It was the home of Gwelo Goodman (who “restored” it) and of Joyce Newton Thomson, his biographer and mayor of Cape Town. Artist John Barrow lived there too, c 1800. See Fransen & Cook (2004) and Lewcock (1963) pages 113-120. In the background the saddle between Table Mountain and Devil’s Peak is visible.” We should like to thank Dr Hans Fransen for his assistance in cataloguing this lot. THE harvey COLLECTION OF AFRICANA | lots 374-399
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