Strauss & co - 16 March 2015, Cape Town
319 A Chinese peach bloom- glazed water pot, taibai zun , Qing Dynasty, 19th century beehive-shaped, incised with three stylised dragon and ruyi rondels, with pale green highlights, the associated agate stopper carved with a lingzhi with ruyi border, the water pot 8cm high ; and a Chinese sang-de-boeuf -glazed water pot, Qing Dynasty, late 18th/early 19th century, bell-shaped, 6,9cm high (2) R10 000–15 000 320 A Chinese flambé-glazed bottle vase, Qing Dynasty, late 19th century/early 20th century with aubergine, lavender and deep-blue streaked glaze thinning to a mushroom- coloured rim, 32cm high R20 000–30 000 321 A Chinese peach bloom- glazed vase, Qing Dynasty, 19th century compressed ovoid with an elongated neck, raised on a short circular foot, spurious underglaze-blue six-character Kangxi mark, 23,5cm high R15 000–20 000 319 320 321 113
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