Strauss & co - Wildlands 27 March 2014
WILDLANDS CONSERVATION TRUST ART SALE 11 There is growing global awareness of the fragile state of our planet. The ever present threat of significant climate change is testament to this fragile state. Years of exploitation, pollution and willful destruction have degraded our planet’s life support systems – its ‘ecosystems’. These ecosystems – oceans, rivers, wetlands, forests, grasslands, etc. – have been seriously damaged, and the ongoing increase in global population is putting further pressure on these systems. There is little doubt that an environmental tipping point is looming. However, contrary to the message conveyed in the popular media, this is not about the extinction of the Polar Bears or Snow Leopards. It is about the very real threat to humankind’s survival as we know it! Within this context South Africa is interestingly placed. It is a land of contrasts. Renowned internationally for its spectacular natural beauty and biodiversity, it is also known for having the highest number of citizens affected by HIV / AIDS, high levels of poverty, poor education standards and a disproportionally high per capita carbon footprint. Government, corporate and civil society leadership have also recognised and acknowledged the looming threat of climate change and the importance of nurturing and restoring the health of our ecosystems, as a buffer to possible changes. They have also acknowledged the unique opportunity that this presents in the form of the ‘green economy’, and the associated green jobs that can be stimulated through the process of harnessing the green economy opportunity. As one of South Africa’s leading environmental organisations, the Wildlands Conservation Trust is committed to supporting this process, but could not do this without your help and that of our sponsors – Thank you. Dr Andrew Venter CEO Wildlands Conservation Trust A NOTE FROM THE CEO WILDLANDS CONSERVATION TRUST Photographer: Kelvin Trautman Special thanks must go to Barbara Freemantle, all the artists that have given of their time and talents, Triple M, The Framing Company, T & C Apply, Fine Art Logistics, Cliff Shain Photography, James Fox, Ultra Litho (Pty) Ltd, Neil Dundas, Mark Read, Spier Wine Farm, Phillippa Duncan and to the participating Galleries; Goodman Gallery, SMAC, Warren Siebrits, Art on Paper and Natalie Knight.
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