Strauss & co - 13 October 2014, Cape Town

80 * 228 A Chinese carved celadon jade snuff bottle, late 19th/early 20th century ovoid, with ivory stopper, the stone with pale russet inclusions to the side of the base, 6,7cm high R6 000–8 000 229 A Chinese carved celadon jade box, early 20th century oblong, raised on a shallow foot rim, the stone with pale russet inclusions, 6cmwide R4 000–6 000 230 A Chinese carved celadon jade figure of a maiden and a bird, 20th century the seated figure carved with a bird to her left shoulder and a string of prayer beads, the stone of mottled shades of green with russet inclusions, 10cm high R2 000–3 000 231 Four Chinese carved celadon jade cups and five metal-bound celadon jade saucers, early 20th century each cup raised on a circular footrim, the rim of each saucer moulded with flowers and foliage, the stone of mottled celadon and russet tones, three saucers with repairs, the saucers 7,8cm diameter (9) R4 000–6 000 232 A Chinese carved pale celadon jade miniature cup and saucer, early 20th century the stone of mottled tone, with pale caramel and white inclusions, the saucer 9cm diameter R3 000–4 000 233 A near pair of Chinese jade, rose quartz, agate and hardstone flowering trees, mid 20th century each flower with glass bead stamens, each tree set to a rectangular jardinière raised on four block feet, the taller 19,5cm high (2) R4 000–6 000 234 A Chinese carved soapstone figure of Budai, early 20th century the seated figure reclining against a ribbon-tied sack, his right hand holding a ruyi sceptre, his robes carved with ruyi clouds, the pale brown stone with green overtone in parts, with russet highlights, chips, 5,3cm high R3 000–4 000 Various Properties 235 A Chinese hardwood and celadon jade inlaid ruyi sceptre, late 19th century the ruyi head inset with a celadon jade plaque carved with a pair of birds beneath a flowering prunus tree before a rocky outcrop, the arched stem with leaf-shaped terminal, 35cm long R5 000–7 000 236 A Chinese celadon jade archer’s ring, 19th century of plain cylindrical form, the stone with pale caramel inclusions, 2,4cm high R12 000–15 000 237 A Chinese lavender jade archer’s ring, 19th century carved with a fish against stylised waves, staining, 2,3cm high R9 000–12 000 238 A celadon jade archer’s ring, late 19th century carved with panels of c-scrolls and bosses, the stone with pale grey and brown inclusions; a pale grey jade archer’s ring, late 19th/early 20th century, carved with a pair of chilongs, some staining ; and another, 20th century, mottled cream and brown hardstone, carved with scrolls, the largest 2,5cm high (3) R12 000–15 000 Property of a Collector The following lots 239-244 were acquired by the current owner’s grandfather in the 1960s. 239 A Chinese mottled russet and celadon jade archer’s ring, 19th century minor chipping, 2cm high R2 000–3 000 PROPERTY OF A COLLECTOR | LOTS 216-234