Strauss & co - 13 October 2014, Cape Town
77 215 214 A Chinese pale lavender jade figure of a buddha, 19th century seated on a double lotus throne in rajalilasana before a flame, his wrists adorned with bangles, lightly draped in flowing robes with beaded necklace and elongated earlobes, the pale lavender stone with russet and pale green inclusions, with dark russet veining to the flame, 23cm high R15 000–20 000 Various Properties 215 A Chinese hardwood and pierced jade table screen, late 19th/early 20th century the rectangular plaque carved with writhing dragons, set to a conforming stepped moulded frame with pierced side supports on arched trestle feet, the stone of mottled dark green tone, 28cm high, 19cmwide R6 000–8 000 214
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