Strauss & co - 13 October 2014, Cape Town

73 199 A pair of Chinese Sancai- glazed boats, Qing Dynasty, 18th century each realistically modelled with tiled roofs, the sides moulded with stylised lotus blooms, 11cm long , with a pair of pierced hardwood stands (2) R12 000–15 000 200 A Chinese Dehua figure of Guanyin, Qing Dynasty, late 17th/early 18th century the robed figure seated on a rocky plinth holding a small child on her lap with a scroll to one side, the front with a pair of young acolytes flanking a coiled dragon, lacking vase from her right hand side, hairline cracks, some repairs, 23,8cm high , with carved hardwood stand R8 000–10 000 201 A Chinese blanc de chine libation cup, Qing Dynasty, 17th/18th century moulded in relief with prunus blossom and a flowering branch, on a pierced base, with later metal mounts, swing- handle, raised on four hoof feet, 7,6cm high R6 000–8 000 PROVENANCE Bears the retail label for ‘David Heller, Cape Town’ 202 A Chinese famille rose box and cover, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong (1736-1795) circular, the domed cover painted with a screened interior scene of a scholar, a maiden and an attendant enclosed by a border of lilies, peonies and foliage, chip to the inner rim of the base, six-character red-glazed mark, 5,5cm high, with carved wooden stand R5 000–7 000 201 202 200 203 Various Properties 203 A Chinese famille rose dish, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong (1736-1796) the centre painted with a spray of gilt flowers outlined in iron-red, enclosed by a border of pink lotus petals, the lightly barbed rim with further flowerheads, the petal-moulded reverse with celadon glaze, some wear, minor enamel loss, 20,8cm diameter R15 000–20 000 PROVENANCE Bears a label for ‘D.M. & P. Manheim, 46 East 57th Street, New York City’