Strauss & co - 13 October 2014, Cape Town

63 159 A Luc Lanel for Christofle dinanderie vase, circa 1925 ovoid, gilt and bronze patinated metal, with geometric motifs, 26,5cm high R8 000–10 000 160 A French dinanderie two- handled vase and cover, M Poincet, 1930s the front and reverse with a stylised design of two ladies in 17th century attire each holding a fan, the domed base decorated with waves, the cover with birds, the sides applied with handles, headed by ball finials, signed M. POINCET, ‘MADE IN FRANCE’, dents, oxidisation, 42,5cm high R12 000–15 000 161 An Art Deco palissandre veneered and ebonised table, 1930s the rectangular top with rounded corners above a frieze drawer flanked by open sides and raised on carved ovoid shaped supports, on tapering fluted legs and stop feet, 73cm high, 115,5cmwide, 58cm deep R15 000–20 000 159 160 161