Strauss & co - 13 October 2014, Cape Town

30 59 A late Victorian silver rose bowl, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co (William Gibson & John Lawrence Langman), London, 1896 with scalloped rim, the body moulded with two cartouches, one engraved with ‘XXV’enclosed by flowerheads, c-scrolls and foliage, on a conforming circular foot, 1260g, 20cm high R10 000–12 000 60 A pair of Victorian silver cream pails, Carrington & Co, London, 1898 cylindrical, each with pierced foliate sides and waisted heart-shaped thumbpiece engraved with a crest, with blue glass liner, one liner replaced, 220g all in, 10cm high (2) R7 000–9 000 61 An Edwardian VII silver- mounted claret jug, Marples & Co, Birmingham, 1902 the ovoid glass body cut with flowers and arched printie panels above a stiff-leaf border, with double faceted neck, moulded handle and leaf-shaped spout, the hinged cover with scroll thumbpiece, 22cm high R5 000–7 000 62 An Edward VII silver-mounted claret jug, William Devenport, Birmingham, 1905 the spreading cylindrical body cut with diamond bands above a fluted border, with harp-shaped handle and mount engraved with flowers between wrigglework borders, the hinged cover with leaf-shaped thumbpiece, 24cm high R4 500–6 000 59 60 61 62