Strauss & co - 13 October 2014, Cape Town

Artist Index © Strauss & Co (Pty) Ltd 2014 Research and Catalogue Notes Emma Bedford / Ann Palmer Diamond Consultant Lynn Greaves Photography James Fox Design and layout Faye Frizlar Colour Reproduction Robert Wong A Amshewitz, J H 468 B Baines, T 464 Bakker, K 661 Battiss, W W 549, 635 Becquerel, A V 581 Bell, D M 573 Bhengu, G 641 Boonzaier, G J 488, 493, 494, 496, 497, 605, 606, 615 Boshoff, A H 656, 657 Botha, D J 505, 506, 647, 651, 653, 655 Bouscharain, C M M 575 Bowler, T attributed to 461, 463 Bowler, T W 462, 466, 467 Boyley, E S 521, 522, 523, 541, 542, 546 Broadley, R 489 Büchner, C A 500, 537, 538, 539, 639 C Catherine, N C 681 Catlin, G D 578, 579 Chadwick, L R 662 Cianfanelli, M 576 Cilliers-Barnard, B 665 Claerhout, F M 535, 536 Coetzee, C 666, 667, 668 Coetzer, W H 478, 479, 625 D de Jongh, M J 483, 485, 487, 499, 607 de Sanderes Hendrikz, W 638 Domsaitis, P 502, 503, 529, 612 du Toit, P 528 Dumas, M 674 E Everard-Haden, L 679 Everard-Haden, R 595, 597 F Fasciotti, T 526, 527 Ferretti, P 469 G Goodman, R G 601 H Hallett, G 675 Higgs, C 492 Hillhouse, M E 547, 622, 634 Hindley, M 680 Hirst, D 685 Hockney, D 570 Hodgins, R G 671 K Karstel, A 533 Kentridge, W J 558, 559, 560, 562, 563, 669, 673 Krenz, A F F 471, 530, 531 Krige, F 643 L Laubscher, F B H 649, 650, 660, 672 Laubser, M M 507, 620, 623 Lewis, A N 516 Lock, F 629, 630, 645 M Mason, J 577 McCaw, T J 473, 498, 504, 518, 604, 631 Meintjes, J P 571, 640 Meyer, J 677 Mogano, P D 555 Mohl, J K 621 N Naudé, P H 476, 594, 596, 598, 599, 600 Ngatane, E M 554 Nhlengethwa, J S 682, 683 Niemann Jnr, H C 512, 513 P Page, F H 561 Pemba, G M M 644 Pettit, M F 684 Pierneef, J H 481, 608, 609, 610, 624, 626 Pinker, S F 648 Podlashuc, A C 556 Portway, D O 548 Prowse, E R 602 R Rodger, J N 580 Rolando, C circle of 465 Rose-Innes, A 495, 509, 514, 540, 614, 646 Roworth, E 484, 486 S Sash, C 557, 564, 565 Schreuders, C 566 Schütz, P 568 Scott, P M 545 Seago, E 470 Sekoto, G 642 Shephard, R N 501, 532 Siopis, P 569 Sithole, L T 664 Skotnes, C E F 550, 551, 552, 553, 658, 659 Spilhaus, P A W 480, 603 Stern, I 472, 611, 616, 617, 618, 632, 663 Sumner, M F E 491, 613, 627, 628 T Thackwray, J V 510, 511 Theys, C N D 543 V van der Merwe, C 567 van der Westhuizen, P 572, 574 van Essche, M C L 633, 636, 637 van Heerden, P G 482, 490, 508, 515, 517, 519, 520, 524, 525, 544, 652, 654 Verster, A C 670, 678 Victor, D V 676 Volschenk, J E A 474, 475, 477, 591, 592, 593 W Wallace, M 534 Welz, J M F 619