Strauss & co - 30 June 2014, Johannesburg
80 121 Stanley NKOSI south african 1945–1988 StalkingLeopard auniquework bronzewithaverdigrispatina height: 39,5 cm R30000–50000 provenance Thecurrent owner acquired the sculpture fromhis latemother,Mrs Frances Winckworth,who ran TheDownstairs Gallery fromher private residence in Benoni in the 1970s. During thisperiod, Winckworthheldmanyexhibitionsby aspiringartists, one suchartist being StanleyNkosiwho, at the time,was studyingunder Cecil Skotnes.Mrs Winckworth felt thatNkosi showed outstanding skill andagreed tofinance thecost of having twobronze sculptures cast. StalkingLeopard isoneof theseworks cast, auniquework, andwaspruchased byWinckworthandadded toher private collection. 122 GordonFrank VORSTER south african 1924–1988 HerdofAntelope, Sahara signed oil oncanvas laiddownonboard 82by97 cm R25000–40000 121 122
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