Strauss & co - 30 June 2014, Johannesburg

77 115 Peter CLARKE south african 1929–2014 LandscapeatTeslaarsdal signed, dated 1952and incribed ‘Teslaarsdal’; inscribedwith the titleand ‘near Caledon, C.P. SouthAfrica. TheTokkie Brikkels family lived in this cottage. The two roads (on the right) leaddown to the local cemetarywhere they joinandcontinue asone roadgoing toCaledon’onanote adhered to themount pen, inkandwatercolour 24by 31,5 cm R25000–40000 116 Peter CLARKE south african 1929–2014 MainVillageStreet, Teslaarsdal, Caledon, Cape signed, dated 1952and inscribed ‘Teslaarsdal’; inscribedwith the titleona noteadhered to themount pen, inkandwatercolour 24by 30cm R15000–20000 ©TheEstateof Peter Clarke | DALRO ©TheEstateof Peter Clarke | DALRO 116 115