Strauss & co - 30 June 2014, Johannesburg

13 Donot forget that your final invoicewill include buyer’spremiumandVATon thebuyer’spremiumon eachof your successful lots. Registration Inorder toavoidqueues andunnecessarydelays, advancepaddle registration is advised. Registrations formswill beavailableat theFront Counter throughout thepreviewandon thedayof the sale. ImportantNotice forallBidders Inaccordancewith theConsumer Protection Act 68of 2008, prospectivebidders are required to register beforebidding. Inorder to registerwe requireyour full names, a copyof your identity document, proof of your physical address, postal address and telephonenumbers. Howdo I PayandCollect? All the lots youpurchasewill be invoiced to the nameandaddress that appear on the registration form. Pleasearrangepayment and collection immediatelyafter the sale. Howmuchwill Ipay? If youare successful, youwill pay thehammer price plus thebuyer’spremiumoneach lot as follows: 12% for lots sellingover R10000, 15% for lots sellingat andbelowR10000+VATon thebuyer’spremium oneach lot. Methodsofpayment Paymentmaybemadeby:– a) ElectronicTransfer (EFT) b) Cheque (byprior arrangement) c) Credit cards acceptable toStrauss&Co: MastercardandVisa d) Direct Cashdeposit intoour CurrentAccount Strauss&Co StandardBank: Killarney Bank code: 007205 CurrentAccountNo: 001670891 SBZAZA JJ Payment and immediate collectionwill avoiddelay, storage, shippingagent’s transport and insurance costs. Insurance Pleasenote: Strauss&Codoesnot provide insurance on sold lots. It is advisable therefore topayand collect immediately. CollectionofPurchases 1) TheWanderersClub, Illovo Purchased lots canbe collectedduring theauction andon themorningafter from9am to1pm. No collections canbemade fromTheWanderersClub after this time. Thepremisesmust be clearedby2pm. 2) FromStrauss&Co, Johannesburg Uncollected lotswill be removed to the Johannesburgofficeandwill beavailable for collection from theWednesday following the sale: 89Central Street, Houghton. Tel: 0117288246. 3) FromStrauss&Co, CapeTown Clientswishing to collect fromStrauss&CoCape Townmaymakeuseof theStuttaford consolidated shipment. Please indicate clearlyonyourAbsentee BidForm if youwould likeStuttaford toquote or informamember of staff. Unless specifiedby buyers, itemswill not be insured in transit. Payment of purchases and transport costswill bepayable toStrauss&CoandStuttafordupon collectionof purchased lots from theCapeTownOffice: TheOval, OakdaleRoad, First Floor ColintonHouse, Newlands. Tel: 0216836560. Door todoordeliveryservice A representative fromAirwings andStuttafordwill beavailableon thenight and thedayafter the sale togiveadviceand to receive instructions from clients for thepacking, deliveryand forwardingof purchases. Theywill alsoprovidequotations for deliveryupon request. Airwings Tel +27834541115 Contact:Marthinus Erasmus Email: StuttafordVanLines Tel +112061500 Contact:MargaridaFernandes