Strauss & co - Wits Art Museum

22 WITS ARTS MUSEUM ENDOWMENT AUCTION 12 Kim Lieberman (b.1969) Human intersection. Study for a sculpture of Lee Berger Black mild steel 54 (h) x 30 x 37,5 cm 2013 Donated by the artist R30 000 – 40 000 Palaeontologist Lee R. Berger has been internationally recognised for his research on Australopithecus sediba , one of the earliest known ancestors to the human species. A study for her life-size sculpture of Berger that was on exhibition at Nirox Sculpture Park in April – June 2013, Lieberman’s steel assembly sculpture plays with notions of human interconnections and our species’evolution. Lieberman’s artistic interests with mapping and puzzles are evident in Human Intersections. Three different composite perspectives of Berger’s silhouette interlock to comprise the sculpture. As a result, Lieberman’s multifaceted sculpture continually evolves depending on the viewer’s position in relation to the work. Each perspective depicts Berger crouching, with the full weight of his body evident in the creases of his shoes’silhouettes. His crouched, ape-like posture is perhaps a metaphor for the connection to our ancestral selves.  PD