Strauss & co - 21 October 2013, Cape Town
756 Robert Griffiths HODGINS SOUTH AFRICAN 1920-2010 Will the Fat Lady Please Stop Singing signed, dated 2006, inscribed with the title, medium, artist’s name and ‘For Madeleine to cheer her up’ on the reverse oil on canvas 30 by 30cm R50 000 – 70 000 757 Robert Griffiths HODGINS SOUTH AFRICAN 1920-2010 Au Clair de la Lune signed, dated 2002, inscribed with the artist’s name, the medium and the title on the reverse oil on canvas 50 by 50cm R40 000 – 60 000 758 Robert Griffiths HODGINS SOUTH AFRICAN 1920-2010 Mais, Messiers (sic) - I Have Only Two Slippers signed, dated 2002, inscribed with the artist’s name, the medium and the title on the reverse oil on canvas 50 by 50cm R40 000 – 60 000 756 757 758 301
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