Strauss & co - 4 February 2013, Johannesburg

240 Shipping Instruction Form Bidder Number (for office use only) Please return to Strauss & Co by fax on 021 683 6085 or e-mail Enquiries Tel: +27 (0) 21 683 6560 Mobile +27 (0) 78 044 8185 • A quotation will be sent to the e-mail address below for approval before shipping. • Payment to be made directly to the shipping company. Please arrange packaging and shipping of the following lots: Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Client Name: Client Tel: Fax: E-mail: Recipient Name (if different from above) : Recipient Tel: Recipient Address: Client Signature: Client Printed Name: Date: Is Insurance required? Insurance Value: Please indicate if you would like the shipping company to provide unpacking, crate removal, and/or installation of your purchases at your expense. Please indicate if you would like your purchases to be sent to our Johannesburg office for collection. CAPE TOWN Tel: +27 (0) 21 683 6560 Mobile : +27 (0) 78 044 8185 Fax: +27 (0) 21 683 6085 The Oval, 1st Floor Colinton House, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands, 7700 Postnet Suite 200, Private Bag X26, Tokai 7966 JOHANNESBURG Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 8246 Mobile: +27 (0) 79 367 0637 Fax: +27 (0) 11 728 8247 89 Central Street, Houghton, 2198 P O Box 851, Houghton, 2041