Strauss & co - 22 October 2012, Cape Town

148 587 Hibbard, H. The Metropolitan Museum of Art London: Faber & Faber, 1980, illustrations, large 8vo, cloth, dustjacket, dustjacket torn and stained; and 11 others of related interest (12) R1 200 – 1 500 588 Kubota, H. China London: Collins, 1986, illustrated, 4to, cloth, dustjacket; and 8 others of related interest (9) R800 – 1 200 589 Kuttel, M. Fair Winds at the Cape, the Story of Yachting at the Cape Cape Town: A.A. Balkema, 1954, ill ustrations, 8vo, cloth, dustjacket, dustjacket torn; and 3 others of related interest (4) R700 – 900 590 Langford, M. The Step-by-Step Guide to Photography Great Britain: Ebury Press, 1978, illustrations, 4to, cloth, corners bumped; and 9 others (10) R300 – 400 591 Le Vaillant, F. Traveller in South Africa, Volume II Cape Town: Library of Parliament, 1973, illustrations, 4to, cloth, corners rubbed and bumped, cloth faded in places; Raven-Hart, R., Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town: A.A. Balkema, 1971, Volumes I and II, illustrations, 4to, cloth, dustjacket (3) R1 000 – 1 200 592 Luckhoff, C.A. Table Mountain - Our National Heritage After Three Hundred Years Cape Town: Balkema, 1952, 4to, illustrations, cloth, dustjacket, s pine and corners bumped, spine worn, endpapers stained, dustjacket stained; and 7 others of related interest (8) R1 200 – 1 500 593 McCann, L. Nostradamus, The Man Who Saw Through Time Canada: Creative Age Press, 1941, paperback; and 6 others of related interest (7) R250 – 300 594 McCarthy, T. The Story of Earth and Life - A Southern African Perspective on a 4.6 billion-year journey Cape Town: Struik Nature, 2005, softcover; and 5 others of related interest (6) R500 – 700 595 McIntyre, I. H. The Remarkable Life of Dr Johnson’s ‘Dear Mistress’ and 11 others of biographical and autobiographical interest (12) R400 – 600 596 McLean, G.L. Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa Cape Town: The Trustees of the John Vocker Bird Book Fund, 1993; and 2 others of related interest (3) R150 – 200 597 Murphy, D. South from the Limpopo, Travels through South Africa London: John Murray, 1997; and another of related interest (2) R80 – 100 598 Nathan, M. The Huguenots in South Africa Johannesburg: CNA, 1939, illustrations, 8vo, cloth, dustjacket; and 4 others of related interest (5) R300 – 500 599 Obholzer, A.M., Baraitser, M. and Malherbe, W.D. The Cape House and its Interior S tellenbosch: Stellenbosch Museum, 1985, illustrations, 4to leatherette, dustjacket, Grosvenor House Edition Number One, Limited Edition, No. 1295 of 1600, dustjacket slightly bent in places; and 5 others of related interest (6) R3 000 – 4 000 600 Ollemans, S., Stevenson, M. and Viljoen, D. The Cape House, Decorative Arts relating to the Cape of Good Hope Dorp Street Gallery, Stellenbosch: 1999; and 10 others of related interest including a quantity of Library and Museum Bulletins (Qty) R250 – 300