Strauss & co - 6 February 2012, Cape Town
143 463 A Cape stinkwood armoire, late 18th / early 19th century the moulded arched hood with shaped cresting carved with scalework flanked by foliage above a pair of panelled doors enclosing four shelves and two drawers, three graduated linenfold long drawers below, with panelled sides, on later ogee feet, restorations, 269cm high, 172cmwide, 70cm deep R300 000 – 400 000 PROVENANCE The Van Blommestein family, and thence by descent LITERATURE Michael Baraitser and Anton Obholzer, Cape Antique Furniture, Struik, Cape Town, 2004, page 254, illustration number 1079 464 A Cape stinkwood rusbank, mid 19th century the back with plain and split splats, riempie seat, downcurved arms, on turned baluster legs, 188cmwide R6 000–8 000 LITERATURE Michael Baraitser and Anton Obholzer, Cape Country Furniture, Struik, Cape Town, 1978, page 133, illustration number 455 463